CW33 Morning After
April 22nd marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, and @galleriadallas is recognizing this with a celebration lasting nearly a whole month. In conjunction with renewable energy retailer @octopusenergyus the center presents a celebration of Earth Day 2021 in partnership with @earthxorg . The exhibit is designed to educate the public on the current environmental state of the planet, the effects of climate change on humanity and the power that individual people possess to make a positive and collective impact.
The exhibit will feature a large wall installation showcasing five different environmental focus areas — Sustain our Earth, Clean Water for All, Clean Energy for All, Clean Cities for All, and Find Climate solutions. The installation will also feature actions consumers can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Each area will feature QR codes leading to a companion website with supporting materials provided by Octopus Energy, EarthX, and additional resources. After shifting in 2020 from an expo to virtual programming, EarthX will celebrate Earth Day April 16-25 with environmental solutions-based conversations and original programming on EarthxTV. The EarthxFilm Festival will screen films both online and outdoors bringing the viewing experience back to the big screen.
In addition to the educational activation at Galleria Dallas, Dallas-based artist Jessica Bell will present an inspirational art installation spanning a 16-foot storefront window at the shopping center, curated by Gossypion Investments, and commissioned by Octopus Energy US.
The piece will focus on the everyday environmentalism that viewers can all participate in by reducing, reusing and recycling the materials in their lives. As a contemporary sculptor and ceramic artist, waste is a natural part of Bell’s creative process. Over the years, Bell has saved imperfect pieces, such as a cracked vase or stained fabric, instead of throwing them away.
