Thank you to everyone who attended the opening reception of #Melaninpoppin featuring the work of 5 African American Women Artist.
More about the show:
#melaninpoppin presenter by WoCA Projects and Kinked Mirror. An exhibition spotlighting emerging black women artists, exploring all things #blackgirlmagic, self-love, vitality and self-care. Featuring the works of Taylor BarnesJessica BellSanah Brown-BowersAri Edwards Asia Youngs-BaileyJanette Kennedy Bailey @southsideonlamar Dallas, Texas

Upcoming Events:
Join me in celebrating black female artists during Dallas art fair month! Cocktails + Bites West African Style! Link to rsvp in my bio. #repost @adwoabeauty it's dallas art fair month and we’re ending the #melaninpoppin exhibition in adwoa beauty style! in partnership with WoCA projects (@wocaprojects) and kinked mirror, this is an exhibition spotlighting emerging black women artists, exploring all things #blackgirlmagic, self-love, vitality + self-care. featuring the work of: Taylor Barnes (@barnes_artistry_) Jessica Bell (@artistjbell) Sanah Brown-Bowers (@sanahbrown) Ari Edwards (@caandypaint) Asia Youngs-Bailey (@asiayoungsbailey) fyi: this exhibition runs from 4/13-4/30. join us on 4/28 at the janette kennedy gallery for our private event. rsvp on our 📲 website at about > events or email. cocktails + bites included. #blackartists #blackartsupport#dallasartsmonth