Woman and Man as one
I decided Man and Woman as one needed a pair. This is a 36x36 inch acrylic painting of a woman over a man. I love the bold colors. With...

Man and Woman as One
Man and woman as One is a large mail figure over top of a woman figure in high heels. This large colorful painting is bold and filled...

Color Field Paintings
The color field paintings are simpler than what I normally do but I wanted to explore a different angle of raw and exposed. The color is...

Raw And Exposed
Raw and Exposed is a new study I have been working on for an upcoming show. I want to examine the idea of women artist being...

Tricycle Canvas Print
The tricylce was one of my favorite pieces that I made in college. Added to it is an image from a dirty artroom sink. This image was...

Untitled Eye Painting
Work in progress of white eye. This is a combination of an abstract dog eye with a female's eye.