Handmade Ceramic Jewelry
Everyday is a day of art to me. I made these adorable ceramic earrings with a group of students. They are not for sale but I love wearing...

Sunday Funday... Museum Stroll
Vintage chic for an afternoon stroll to the Museum. Nude pumps, squence clutch, and a gold sheer dress.

More art less hate
Any reason to wear a t-shirt. I designed these art t-shirts for a more work appropriate shirt. I mean how can the art teacher not wear an...

Monday Morning Shark Attack
You have to find the joy in your everyday. Today's photo strays from fashion but is a great example of how to keep a smile while at work.

Art show attire
Art show attire for a wine walk. I like to go trendy when it is a moving around town type of art show. I am wearing low ankle boots, easy...