101 Black Artists Living and Working in Texas
101 Black Artists Living and Working in Texas by Christopher Blay February 9, 2021 Check out this article and one of my favorite pieces,...
Dallas morning news
D Magazine
https://www.dmagazine.com/arts-entertainment/2020/11/four-holiday-pop-ups-you-must-see-this-season/ Check out the latest D Magazine...
Art and Seek
https://artandseek.org/2020/11/20/get-in-the-holiday-spirit-with-the-interactive-cheer-exhibit/ Check out the latest Art and Seek article...
Carneal Simmons Contemporary Art
This month Artist Jessica Bell was honored with the opportunity to show at Carneal Simmons Contemporary Art. Opening reception was...
Gender in Society
Texas Visual Arts Association's current show is Gender in Society. Featuring a variety of artist from the DFW metroplex. Receiving best...
Dipped in Art CPP - Special Support Grant
Dipped in Art, a free art program that was offered to South Dallas youth, was an opportunity for kids to work with local artist, Jessica...
Recap of April's Art Shows
Below are some of my favorite moments from April's Art Shows I participated in for Dallas Art Month. All work is available for purchase....